Monday, November 8, 2010

7 Days Gone

7 days had come and gone with the passing of the full moon and despite the glorious weather and still nights the week for me was pretty ordinary. I put in many hours and tried various techniques and locations but had trouble getting results. Friend in night time adventures, Jeff, managed a couple lovely 40+ fish on a few of our outings but I remained fishless for 5 outings in a row, possibly a new record.

As always my mate 'Lucky' Peter managed to come good with the goods, opening his bass season with a plump 40+ on a Betts.

I finally removed the filthy skunk that was riding my back with a dark coloured bronzy off the surface.

Perhaps it is old age creeping upon me but I find I would rather spend my Saturday night quietly tossing surface lures for bass than hitting the bright light of town (yes there is only one light...)

but with fish like this why wouldn't I! one of five taken in the session. A great end to a tough week with persistance paying off again.

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